> the reason why I'm posting this because i'm having problem
> when uploading the images to the ftp server, it is showing
> There was an error while uploading the file. ERROR 200:
> General script error. The script failed and could not even
> report the error. My ftp login and password is different from
> the database login and password, is it the reason?
Ok, first, you should install the server-side script in your osCommerce server. If you already did this, try to load it in your web browser. The URL would be something like
http://www.yourstore.com/catalog/oscpm1_upload.php or something like that. The script should display a clean information page. If there is any problem, you will see it.
If you have already installed and loaded the server-side script and everything is fine, then now you should configure the OSCPMWin application. In the server-side script URL field in the Configuration window, you should enter the server-side script URL, something like the previous one (
http://www.yourstore.com/catalog/oscpm1_upload.php or something similar).
You don't need FTP access to use the application, adn the password required is the same than the database used by osCommerce.
Please check all those things and let us know if you have any problem.
Mario A. Valdez-Ramírez.