Thanks for activating my account Mario

I have just installed CMS as per instructions. I am able to create contect, RSS new feeds etc.
When I log into PHProjekt there is a tab between Summary and Calendar just as it is supposed to be. The tab is named "Start" if I log in as the superuser with the default skin. If I login as myself using the iklk skin it is named "Articles".
Regardless of who I log in as when I click I am presented with the main PHProjekt login in screen. At this point I can login as any user I want and I am taken to the main CMS page. If I change identities at this second login in screen it only affects CMS, I am still logged in to PHProjekt under the profile I originally logged in as. Did you intend to have CMS require a second login or have I done something wrong? Additionally is there a way to disable this if it was your intention?
Secondly when I am in the CMS module regardless of profile or permissions the following warning message is displayed:
"Warning: mb_strrpos(): Empty haystack in /var/www/html/phprojekt423/cm/display.php on line 171"
This does not seem to affect the program (yet, as I have only just begun to explore its capabilities). What should I do, if anything, to correct this?
Thanks for your efforts with this. I really appreciate it. I look forward to using it.