Welcome to wishlist of the osCommerce Product Manager for Windows.
Here you can read and post request for features, suggestions for new functions, changes you would like to see and new ways to improve the usefulness of the osCommerce Product Manager for Windows. Please post in English so most people can understand you and participate.
Please note that you don't need to be registered to read or post messages. However by registering you can vote in any survey, get notified when an reply is posted, etc.
Also check the BugTracker facility at
http://www.mariovaldez.net/webapps/bugtracker/query.php?projects=3&order=severity.sort_order&sort=desc for already-known bugs and future features to be included in the osCommerce Product Manager for Windows.
If you need help with osCommerce the best forums are those available at the osCommerce site
The homepage of the osCommerce Product Manager for Windows is
Mario A. Valdez-RamÃrez.