Is the exact message "031. File uploads are disabled in this server."?
If it is, then the problem is that the CMS module cannot check if uploads are enabled in PHP. Do the following test,
Create a file containing this line:
<?php echo get_cfg_var ("file_uploads") . "<br>" . ini_get ("file_uploads"); ?>
Then upload it to your web server (in the same directory the CMS module is published) and view it with your browser. It should display two numbers 1's. If any of them is not 1, then please tell me what version of PHP are you using, what web server, what platform and if you are using PHP as CGI or as a SAPI/ISAPI module.
In the mean time (while I debug the problem) you can disable the checking by editing the following files: fileman.php and editorup.php. Just look for a line like:
$cm_canupload = get_cfg_var ("file_uploads");
and change it to something like this:
$cm_canupload = true;
But please note that this is a workaround, not a final solution. I need to replicate your problem for a definitive solution.
Now, if the message is different, then it may be other problem. Maybe a permissions problem as Mark has already commented.
Mario A. Valdez-Ramirez.