> today I test (fresh installation)Zenchartv1.3.7.1-full-patched-07.05.2007
> with oscpmwin .And I have this massage : "Range check error"
First, sorry for moving this post to this BugReports forum, but that ZenCart thread at the Wishlist forum is already too large.
That error usually means that some data list is too large. (At several places, the OSCPMWin application does not check properly the size of the language, currencies, products, manufacturers or categories lists).
Please enable in the configuration window the option "Log SQL queries" then try to connect. That option will create a file named OSCDEBUG.TXT in the directory where OSCPMWin is installed. Then send me that file by email to
mario@mariovaldez.org. (That file is just a dump of the SQL queries done by the application, so I can check where the problem happened).
Anyway, I'll try to replicate the problem with a fresh install of that ZenCart version.
Mario A. Valdez-Ramirez.