> I must thank you very much for taking my
> request into consideration.
> Can i download it and test it out.
I hope to start writting it by January. As soon as I release the first alpha version I'll let you know so you can test it.
> And regarding learning Delphi.
> Can you recommend any book.
I learned directly from the Delphi printed manuals (which are available also as PDFs in the Delphi CDROM).
> How did you start off with this ?
Around 15 years ago I used Borland TurboPascal to develop DOS software. When Windows 3.1 appeared I needed to develop in Windows but I didn't want to use any derivative of Basic (VB appeared around 1991). By those days my only languages were (Quick)Basic, Pascal, Cobol and x86 assembler, none very useful for Windows. So, when Delphi v1 appeared (around 1995) I become its fan. Later I changed to Delphi 4 and lastly to Delphi 6.
For me, learning Delphi was really learning how to think about visual objects (controls) and events, which was not used in TurboPascal. But I skipped all about the Pascal language because I already know it. (By the way, I learned Pascal from a book titled "Turbo Pascal Disktutor" by Werner Feibel).
But as I said above, my main learning books were the Delphi manuals.
If you already have Delphi, check the Documentation directory of the CDROM.
Mmmmh... searching in Google I found this page:
It seems the three manuals (Quick start, Developer's Guide and Object Pascal Language Guide) can be downloaded from there. If you still don't have Delphi, check them out.
If you don't have Delphi, you can try it if you find where to download the "Personal edition", which was available from Borland for free (it seems now cannot be downloaded from them). It have some limitations but it will help you to learn the language. Search the net for a file named "BorlandDelphiPersonalEdition.exe", a file of around 144 MB (some universities still distribute the file).
> Where can I send a Donation to you ?
Ah, thanks, I really have no way to receive donations right now, but I really appreciate the intention.
Mario A. Valdez-Ramirez.