> To keep your program more user friendly i have
> a wishlist which may be very conveniant for everybody.
Great, thanks!
> 1). Set Date Available standard on todays date
Ok, I'm taking note of this one.
> 2). possibility to fix fields that are always the
> same (like Tax Class and Manufacturer)
Ok, I'm taking note of this one. But I need to think about it. How should I preset the field values? Default value (as user defined option)? Most used-value (per session, maybe)? Latest used-value? I think Latest-used values is the more usable way (with persistence between sessions).
> 3). when possible input of products from
> the main window with cut and paste possibility
> for just some basic info like in the mainscreen.
> After input upload/update all at once. After
> upload you can always change discription etc
> afterwards.
Ok. Let's see if I understood you. You want to add data directly in the product list, those records would be loaded to the database (at least with partial data), so you can later just add description, images and other details. Is that ok? It's a very good idea, Aernout. However, this would need a lot of new code and lot of rewriting. I'm taking note of this, but I would add it at a later time, after the major bugs are fixed.
(If I didn't understand you about this request, please explain me again. Sometimes the language barrier seems huge to me).
> 4) creating and managing catagories
> (someone already mentioned it and
> you were working on that i read)
Yes, this is already in the bugtracker. Currently you can only rename categories. I will add deletion, addition, moving and copying.
If you have more ideas, please feel free to post them, Aernout.
Mario A. Valdez-Ramirez.