> I am having trouble connecting to my server.
> I think that the problem is that I need to put
> a "~" in the address, and when I do, it isn't
> saved. I host with, and right now,
> my webspace looks something like this:
> This is
> probably a shared server. When I enter in the
> above into the config settings and save, the
> "/" and "~" are removed and it looks like:
> box91.bluehost.commyaddress. Is it possible
> to use your software before I attach it to a
> address?
Hi. Sorry for answering this late. The hostname should contain only the server name, in your case "". The "/~myaddress" is not used when connecting to the database.
However, the URLs for the image directory and the server-side script (set in the "Network 3" and "images" tabs of the configuration window) should contain the "/~myaddress" part.
Mario A. Valdez-Ramirez.