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Screenshots of the
Content Management module for Phprojekt.

Publishing simple content.

These are some screenshots of the Content Management module in action. Click the thumbnails to display the full-size screenshot.

Description Version 0.5.0
Now let's create the first page/directory. It will be named "Doctors" (the page and the directory too). And it will be visible to the users of the "Doctors" groups. The owner will be one of the users of the group Doctors (althoug it can be someone outside the group). In this case it will be Víctor. Because this is a navigation page (a page with little or no content, only links to other pages) we leave the Content area empty. Note the author is "root" user, as root was configured as the superuser of the CMS module in the setup page. Also note that the root user is granting the ownership of the page to Víctor. From now on, Víctor will be able to edit that page and create more pages under that directory. Click image to enlarge...
This is just the information message after saving the content of the page. Click image to enlarge...
And this is how the page looks. Pretty empty because there is no content under this directory, yet. Click image to enlarge...
Going back to the main page, we see the first link to the Doctors section. Note the box and colors of this first item. That means it's a the first-level page. Click image to enlarge...
Now, let's create another first-level page. Now this page is to be viewed by everyone (the default group) and the ownership will be for the user Leticia. This is also a navigation page, but now let's add a note. In this case we added the #INDEX# instruction so an index of the directories will be displayed. Click image to enlarge...
Ok, we've added a couple of more first-level entries. Click image to enlarge...
Now let's login as a different user. The Víctor user. Víctor user is a medical doctor (member of the Doctors group) and he has no access to the Administration section. This is what he can see. Click image to enlarge...
Remember Víctor is owner of the Doctors section. This is what he sees when browsing the Doctors section. Note the icons in the upper right corner. He can edit, delete and create pages in this directory. Also (this is different from root) he can post comments, because he belongs to the viewer group (Doctors). Click image to enlarge...
Let's see how the page looks when other user who is no the owner view it. This is user Gilberto. He is in the Doctors group, but he is just a viewer. Note the icons. Click image to enlarge...
Ok, now Víctor will add some content. After creating the "cases" directory (another navigation page), he creates a clinical case page. Note that he uses some simple markup to change the letter size and to add images. So, where are the images? Click image to enlarge...
One of the icons is for the upload function, available to users with edition permissions. This is the upload page. It lets you upload files for your page. The files can be images, sounds, documents, etc. And you can include them in the page as links or images (in the case of graphic files). Click image to enlarge...
Let's see how the clinical case page looks. Looks good. But Víctor feels the image is too big and users should not be forced to scroll. Actually that's not a big problem, but Víctor is big fan of usability. Click image to enlarge...
So he will make a small change. He will edit the Content and will add an #ALBUM# directive to create thumbnails of the images. Click image to enlarge...
This is the result. For this simple page, that's enough. Of course you can create your own thumbnails and link them manually with the wikimarkup variant used by the CMS module. In this case it's just that Víctor is lazy. Click image to enlarge...
And this is how the page looks with the Printer-friendly version (when selecting the "print" icon). Click image to enlarge...
Ok, now this is how the main page looks. The more recent links are first. Click image to enlarge...
NA fum/lmd: 2004.09.30
Copyright ©1994-2025 by Mario A. Valdez-Ramírez.
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