Translation / Localization of the
osCommerce Product Manager for Windows (oscpmwin).

In your own language!

You don't have to be a programmer to translate OSCPMWin to your native language. To contribute a translation follow these steps.

1. Send an email to stating you want to be translator for the project. After that we will announce in the website that you are working on the translation, so two persons do not work at the same time for the same language (or if they do, at least they know it). We prefer native speakers translating to their mother tongue and we prefer people with "good grammar" (but if nobody is translating in your language, please participate even if your grammar is not that good). Also, it is very important that you have already used the application.

2. Download poEdit (, the translation tool and install it. There are other translation editors (like kbabel, gTranslator or Emacs), you can use whatever you like, just be sure it can handle the .po files. Change the settings of poEdit (File / Preferences) to enable the option Automatically compile .mo file on save.

3. Get the latest English language file. Download the English default.po and the English delphi.po files. (If you want to update an existing translation, download the latest version of the translation files from the table at the end of this page, unpack it and then look for the locale directory, there you can find the default.po and delphi.po files). Edit them with poEdit. First change the file properties (Catalog / Settings), enter your name and email address, be sure that the selected encoding is UTF-8. Everytime you save your changes, a .mo file will be generated.

4. Review your translation.

5. Test your changes. When you have finished translating the default.po and delphi.po files, test them with the OSCPMWin application. In the home directory of the application there is subdirectory named "locale" with several two-letter named subdirectories. The two letters are the ISO-639 code for each language. For example, in /locale/en/LC_MESSAGES is stored the English language file, in /locale/es/LC_MESSAGES is stored the Spanish language file, and so on. Look for your language ISO code and create a directory in /locale, and then another directory named LC_MESSAGES. Copy your default.po,, delphi.po and files to that directory. Launch the OSCPMWin application. Go to the Configuration window, select the Interface 2 tab, and check that your language is listed. Select it. Check how it looks your translation.
(Note: if you don't use osCommerce but you still want to help with a translation, let me know and I will setup a remote osCommerce store in our servers so you can test the application).

6. Send your files to (If you are updating or reviewing an existing translation, send the file to me and to the main translator).

From time to time new strings are added to all language files. You will be contacted to ask you if you can contribute with the translation.

If you want to do your own translation without contributing it (to suit your personal needs or your organization's needs), follow the same steps, just ignore steps 1 and 6.

Available translations

The following translations are included in the latest release of the OSCPMWin application (excepting those tagged as Released with latest version: NO). Some of the unreleased language files (not included with the latest version of the OSCPMWin application) can be downloaded here, and will be included in future releases of the application. (If you wish to use any of the unreleased translations, just download the .zip package, decompress it and copy the language directory to the locale directory of your installation).

Language ISO code Contributors Coverage Released with
latest version
Download latest version Explore it
German de Dennis Lehnen (    [Translator]
Nathan Mann (    [Translator]
Reviewers needed.
yes (85k) View it
English en Mario A. Valdez-Ramírez (    [Translator]
Harry Glasgow (    [Reviewer]
Aaron Dalton    [Reviewer]
yes (34k) View it
Spanish es Mario A. Valdez-Ramírez (    [Translator]
Reviewers needed.
yes (83k) View it
French fr Loïc Richard (    [Translator]
Martin Gersbach (    [Reviewer]
Zapisto (    [Reviewer]
yes (78k) View it
Greek gr Vagelis Papaioannou (    [Translator] ██████████
no not available  
Croatian hr Igor Velijević (    [Translator]
Mario Ðanić (    [Reviewer]
yes (76k) View it
Hungarian hu Bojer Tibor; (    [Translator]
Reviewers needed.
no (75k) View it
Italian it Michele Barone (    [Translator]
Reviewers needed.
yes (57k) View it
Dutch nl Aernout Koole (    [Translator]
Reviewers needed.
yes (78k) View it
Polish pl Wojtek Kokot Verner (    [Translator]
Reviewers needed.
no (66k) View it
Portuguese pt Antonio Fonseca (    [Translator] ██████████
no not available  
Brazilian Portuguese pt_BR Rafael Rocco (    [Translator] ██████████
no not available  
Romanian ro Adrian Gramescu (    [Translator]
Reviewers needed.
no (52k) View it
Russian ru Shmelev N. Nikolai (    [Translator]
Eugene Yafarkin (    [Reviewer]
yes (89k) View it

Past contributors

This is a list of persons who kindly contributed with their time and effort to translate and review the language files of OSCPMWin, but who currently are not working with us. To all them: THANKS!

NA fum/lmd: 2009.02.09
Copyright ©1994-2025 by Mario A. Valdez-Ramírez.
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