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Installation of the
Content Management module for Phprojekt.

Upgrading from Phprojekt 3.3 to 4.0.

Upgrading the CMS module from Phprojekt 3.3 to Phprojekt 4.0.

If you upgraded your Phprojekt setup from version 3.3 to 4.0, and you already has a previous CMS module setup, these directions are for you. In other words, if you are upgrading the CMS module from version 0.5.0 or previous these are your directions:

0) Phprojekt upgraded and working.
You must have Phprojekt 4 installed, configured and working.

1) Get the files.
Get the files from http://www.mariovaldez.net/software/cm_4p/ (There are zip and tar.gz files available). Note that you require version 0.5.1 or higher.

2) Backup your files and your database.
As a safety measure, backup your cm directory and backup the data in your database (the exact steps to backup your database depend on the brand, check the administration manual of your software).

3) Take note of any customization you have made.
If you changed the code of the CMS module, check what are your changes and apply them again in the new code. This includes changes to display.php for the syndicated newsfeeds. If your customizations are more complex, don't fall to the temptation to leave old scripts mixed with the new ones. You should review your changes and integrate your code again.

4) Delete previous CM code (preserve the CM root dir!).
You can overwrite the old files if you wish, but better is to delete the old files and directories. Be careful and don't delete the CM root directory (usually is the directory named cm/root/).

5) Unpack.
Extract the files in the phprojekt directory. That will create a "cm" directory with several files inside. This will NOT overwrite any of your original phprojekt files.

6) Change ownership.
Change the ownership of those files to the user used by your web server (usually "nobody" in Unix/Linux).
To change the ownership in Linux/Unix, you execute in a shell terminal in the server the command chown:

chown -h -R nobody:nobody cm/

In Windows environments, using the Windows Explorer, check the Security tab of the Properties dialog of the directory, and set the permissions so that the user IUSR_servername has permissions to read and write on the CM directory.

If you are upgrading from version 0.5.0 to 0.5.1, jump to the step 10 (integrate).

7) Run setup.
Point your browser to to whateverphprojekturl/cm/setup.php and login. Change what you want, if unsure, leave the defaults. (Check the Configuration page for details). Then press the "Create config file" button.
NOTE: This is a required step even if you are only upgrading. Some new options are only enabled if you run the setup. Also, don't leave any field empty.

8) Update database tables.
Choose the option "Create database tables". This will create any new database table. If some tables already exist, there will be some error messages. That's ok. Check for any error in the new tables or in any UPGRADE message.

9) Test.
To test that everything is ok, point your browser to whateverphprojekturl/cm/ (or choose "Go to the Content Management module homepage") and see if the page is displayed.
If you get an empty page, read the FAQ question "All I get is a blank/empty page".

10) Integrate.
Ok, now you will need to edit 2 phprojekt files. Don't worry, you will only change a couple of lines.
First, the main index.php file (from the phprojekt root, not the cm directory). At the end of the file, at line 237 or so (just before the perform the frame set comment), add the line:

include_once ("cm/cm_mainindex.inc.php");

This line will include the code to make the content tab to work.
Second, the lib/show_modules.inc.php file. You will add the following line:

include_once ($path_pre."/cm/cm_navigation.inc.php");

You can add it at line 14. This will make the content tab to appear just before the Calendar tab and after the Summary tab. You can change this to appear at other position.

11) Test again.
To test, point your browser to the phprojekt URL.

12) You are done.
Check the new features. For a list of new features, read the version.txt file included with the CMS module.

NA fum/lmd: 2006.09.25
Copyright ©1994-2025 by Mario A. Valdez-Ramírez.
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